Thursday, September 03, 2009

LAUSD's FINEST: THE Los Angeles School Police –0r - How an oblivious school board lets a tiny, scandal-ridden force endanger L.A. kids


By Max Taves published September 3, 2009 in the LA Weekly


smf opines+whines: This article - complete with lurid accounts of student sexual abuse under color of authority and posed pictures by professional models like a bad detective magazine - makes some very serious allegations that are hard to take seriously; charges about people with whom I have a professional relationship and a modicum of respect. Obviously 4LAKids is not going to go all shocked and defensive  about allegations of oblivious school boards – school boards have been oblivious since before Mark Twain made fun of them.

This article appears to be sensational for the sake of sensationalism and we have to remember that The Weekly gets a lot of advertising revenue from suspect dating services and medical marijuana suppliers …but that doesn't mean none of it is true!

And I'm not going to practice guilt by association between publishers, reporters, advertisers, school board members or good or bad campus cops. Someone else should look into this this stuff …someone besides The Weekly or 4LAKids. Someone with subpoena power. Plus The article is too long for these pages and has words in it the LAUSD email filters would reject.

The Weekly is free, pick one up and read it – or don't. 

Or read it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LAUSD is a disaster from top to bottom. This article while shocking is definitely not hard to believe. I for one know that the Weekly writers are top of the line journalist and that the LAUSD has had debacle after debacle from the Belmont blunder to the lead laden water fountains at elementary schools.