Friday, August 05, 2011


The Los Angeles Unified School District will be bringing 450 elementary teachers back into the classroom by the time school starts.

The Los Angeles Unified School District will be bringing 450 elementary teachers back into the classroom by the time school starts. (KABC Photo)

Friday, August 05, 2011 - LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- The Los Angeles Unified School District will be bringing 450 elementary teachers back into the classroom by the time school starts.

District leaders have finished reviewing the budget that was passed in June and say there is enough money to keep those teachers from being laid off.

The LAUSD superintendent said the change is largely because of the new furlough agreement and the confirmation of vacancies, retirements and resignations at several schools.

The school district has rescinded and reemployed over 4,170 (K-1)2 teachers and support services personnel since June 2011. About 1,450 teachers, counselors and other personnel are still laid off.


smf: do the math:

Related Content

Story: LAUSD teachers sign contract to save 5K jobs ( 5, 2011)

  1. 4,170 is not 5000. The story says “District leaders have finished reviewing the budget…”
    • Are they ‘finished’ ?
    • …is this ‘it’? 
  2. If I do my math it looks like over 5,620 [over 4,170 rehired + 1,450 still laid off]  were laid off. Exactly how much did it cost LAUSD to to lay off and then rehire all those teachers, support personnel and elementary librarians?  I’m not blaming anyone – I’m just asking how much all that administrivia cost …not counting the loss of faith and bad feelings of ‘You don’t have a job’/ ‘Oh yes you do!’ *
  3. I heard that the Carson High School laid off their band teacher and is currently seeking a volunteer to fill that position. This appears to me to be not a union grievance but a labor law violation. Who is going to pay those legal fees, that fine and that amount of back salary? From what pot o’ money?

* “In the ceremonies of the horseman even the pawn must hold a grudge.” B. Dylan

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