Friday, August 05, 2011

Bill Gates, cartoon character: VACCINES ARE MIRACLES!

posted by smf

I have issues with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s  intervention in American public education – but none with the Gate’s intervention in the battle against disease in this country and around the world.  Gates’ efforts could well end Malaria and Polio in the world in our lifetimes – and for that he should and will win the Nobel Peace Prize.

What he’ll do with the $1.4 million I don’t know – that’s an amount that probably resides in the cushions of his couch or at the bottom of his washing machine – maybe he’ll hire some public school arts teachers or some school librarians with it.

This is good stuff:

1 comment:

turtlelearning said...

Scott - thank you for this. I am glad Gates gets involved with vaccines. However, he does extend his lack of expertise to agriculture in Africa -- and that scares me.
If he'd only consult experts in all areas, all of this would be moot.
And I believe he thinks (seriously) that we can do away with all teachers and have kids learn from computers.