Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Just in Time for Dia de los Muertos: THE RETURN OF VOTERIA! A Message to CA Latino Elected Officials - Much Higher Local Election Turnout Guaranteed! READ ON...


From: Latino Vote 2015 <>
Sent: Tue, Oct 13, 2015 3:12 pm
Subject: CA Latino Elected Officials - Much Higher Local Election Turnout Guaranteed! READ ON...


Dear California Local Elected Officials:

Hear it for yourself! Dr. Fernando Guerra of Loyola Marymount University reveals the details of his study of the effectiveness of Voteria in LAUSD’s May 19th election: 46% to 80%!

Yes let me repeat that….46% to 80%!

The Voteria Voter Participation Sweepstakes increased the participation of those who knew about the $25,000 prize for simply voting -if your name was chosen- by 46% to 80%!!!

If you’re interested in bringing the Voteria Sweepstakes to your Nov. 2015 Election (or 2017 Election) than listen to the interview above, read the letter below, and then contact me at!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Antonio Gonzalez,

SVREP President


October 6, 2015

Dear Honorable California Local Elected Official:

On behalf of Southwest Voter Registration Education Project (SVREP) I write to alert you to an important change in local elections. Recently enacted SB 415can consolidate your local elections with “even-year” state and federal elections.

SB415 was made necessary because California’s odd-year local elections have unacceptably low voter participation. SB415 says that if your local election’s turnout is 25% lower than the average turnout in “even year” general elections your local jurisdiction can be legally challenged by a resident and obligated to consolidate your election date with those held in “even-year” general elections.

If that’s something you agree with than you need not read the rest of this letter.

But if you are concerned that moving your election date will overwhelm local issues with state and federal issues, SVREP can help substantially increase local voting in order to keep your local election date.

SVREP, founded in 1974, is an expert in voter turnout. Voteria Can Raise Your Low Turnout SVREP introduced the “Voter Participation Sweepstakes” or “Voteria” in May 2015 in the LAUSD District Five Election. Voteria is a sweepstakes in which voters are automatically entered-in by casting their vote. That’s it.

Two months after the LAUSD election Voteria’s winner Ivan Rojas received a $25,000 prize. Ivan Rojas was a voter in the district who cast a valid vote. He was selected by random computer review of the official statement of the vote. He was very happy!

SVREP plans to sponsor Voteria across California this November 3, 2015 (and in 2017 as well).

You can bring Voteria to your community’s election, by doing so your voters will be eligible for the sweepstakes’ prize.

SVREP will promote the contest in all participating jurisdictions

In the May LAUSD election Voteria, according to the Center for the Study of Los Angeles, those who knew about Voteria voted 46%-80% more than the District average.

Voteria works to raise turnout in LAUSD. Check out our website to learn more

If you interested in signing up for Voteria send me an email at and we can go over the requirements to add your community to the contest.

Drop me a line. SVREP wants to help.



Antonio Gonzalez


PS SB415 is attached for your information


smf: SB415 has nothing to do with Voteria, it can be accessed here.


National Office*1426 El Paso Suite B*San Antonio, TX 78207 (210) 922-0225* Fax (210) 932-4055 California Office* 2914 N. Main St., 1st. Floor* Los Angeles, CA 90031 (323) 205-2190Fax (323) 205-1419

Founded in 1974, SVREP is America’s largest and oldest non-partisan Latino civic/voter participation organization. A national 501(C)(3) non-profit organization SVREP conducts non-partisan voter registration, voter education, and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) campaigns. Since its inception SVREP has conducted over 2,200 civic/voter participation campaigns resulting in over 2,200,000 new voters. Along the way SVREP has trained over 100,000 volunteers in over fourteen states.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    How is it legally possible to hold a raffle with a cash prize based on if a person voted in a public election?! Combining gambling and elections are a bad idea even if it is legal!
