Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Duncan’s statement, from EdSource | http://bit.ly/1fV9AJJ

2cents smf: Secretary Duncan is currently barnstorming the West on a Back to School  Bus Tour.

Some of Arne’s Buses.  
How much does a bus cost?  How much does painting a bus cost?

Hopefully the bus stops at all railroad crossings because kids are travelling to-and-from school and  484 is a bullet train on a fast track heading full speed into the legislative recess with the support of The California Superintendent of Public Instruction, the chamber of commerce, both teacher’s unions, both parties in both houses of  the legislature and the governor.

Sept 9, 2013  ::  U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan released the following statement in reaction to the current draft of AB 484, a bill moving through California’s legislature to exempt millions of students from state assessments:

“A request from California to not measure the achievement of millions of students this year is not something we could approve in good conscience. Raising standards to better prepare students for college and careers is absolutely the right thing to do, but letting an entire school year pass for millions of students without sharing information on their schools’ performance with them and their families is the wrong way to go about this transition. No one wants to over-test, but if you are going to support all students’ achievement, you need to know how all students are doing. If California moves forward with a plan that fails to assess all its students, as required by federal law, the Department will be forced to take action, which could include withholding funds from the state.

“In states like California that will be field-testing more sophisticated and useful assessments this school year, the Department has offered flexibility to allow each student to take their state’s current assessment in English language arts and math or the new field tests in those subjects. That’s a thoughtful approach as states are transitioning to new standards. While standards and tests may not match up perfectly yet, backing away entirely from accountability and transparency is not good for students, parents, schools and districts.

“California has demonstrated its leadership by raising its standards, investing in their implementation and working with other states to develop new assessments, and I urge the state to continue to be a positive force for reform.”

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