Monday, May 14, 2012


from Facebook |

“The Governor’s May Revise assumes that voters will pass his tax initiative in November. This makes all the numbers in the budget dependent on an election that has not happened yet, and thus makes final local budget decisions, extremely difficult if not impossible.

If, the measure passes, this will give schools some badly needed funds that have been promised over the past several years. If voters do not pass the initiative, the results are so catastrophic it is simply untenable.

I am deeply concerned about the cash disbursements required to run the District. This issue is absent from the current budget conversation.

This budget signals an increased reliance by the state on local districts to solve cash flow, which the state is deferring.

Secondly, I am deeply concerned that yet another major program has been moved into the Prop. 98 Constitutional guarantees as a way to “fund” the mandated formula.

This time, the supplemental Quality Education Investment Act (QEIA) is switched from additional funding to Prop. 98 funding. We appreciate the state is trying to live within its means while protecting education, but it is painfully clear that schools are not going to get better until the state gets better fiscally.

As a state, our youth will determine our future. They are the next innovators, small business owners and members of the 21st century workforce.

It is vital that we invest in our future today and tomorrow.”

1 comment:

  1. I have to disagree. You are accepting that what LAUSD is telling us is true. Deasy clearly take glee in two things: extortion of taxpayers and the willful and wantin abuse of teachers. I would not dare write this if I were not certain it were true and able to prove it.
    This man is not the problem though. He is yet one more corruot despot in a parade of them. Ok , the verdict is not in on Brewer yet, but how could a decorated general be prepared for awaited him in that down town labyrinth? A swarm of snakes who have sucked up our money like there was no tomorrow. The district administration has expanded 25% in the last ten years. Do you know how many teachers have lost their jobs? Now this man wants to use art & music, thousands of jobs, instructional time and quality a a hostage to hustle a parcelntax outbof a city full,of beleaguered lost angels? When we dont all step up with donation like his buddies, the tax dodging philanthropists who are hell bent on privatizing but enjoying public concessions in the belabored process , Deasy trots out preschools and adult ed. It's like he's lined it all up to a guillotine and made us an offer we cant refuse.
    And his mistreatment of teachers, disdain for the law and decietfulness are only overshadowed by his criminal indifference to the welfare of our children. If you need proof of this gonback to Miramonte stories and ask yourself what kind of human being resists telling parents that their children may have possibly been violated, knowing full well these lids could have been infected with STDs , suffering psychically...then when caught he blames the silence on a police proceedure that could not exist? Of course , he then got blindsided by the truth in how he handled the dismissal of Mark Berndt. Breaking the law to protect his credential and negoiatung with a child molestor, who he famously mentions in a retort to a FTA rep's comcerns about due process: " Well, I guess I would have to ask you how much due ricess does a child molestor need?"
    The problem is Deasy affords pervs plenty of kindness in a long standiing LA tradition that protects the district from liability. It's truly perverse, but you can easily check it agaonst this story and dozens more.
    Meanwhile, Deasy has realized a long standing dream of this district by obliteraing stade codes and usurping the CBA with UTLA's blessings. Now teachers arenbeing fired on a whim and for nothing. Well, besides being experiencedm well- educated prodessionals. This is an effect of a business model for education, t will save money, but one qestions what is and will the money spent on? Correct me if I am mistaken, but isnt it supposed to be for education? What education? The way Deasy is slicing and dicing it isn't much more than institutionalized day care. No, daycare would encourage inquirey, joyful learning rather than drill for tests that are making Deasy and his friends wealthier yet as theydestroy teachers' lives and deprive students of their furture. I for ine am not funding that. I say we stop letting children concede to tests and we refuse to pay our taxes until LAUSD is audited, investigated, and possibly indicted for its crimes against our schools and community.
