Wednesday, March 21, 2012


[The Youth Media Los Angeles Collaborative is a consortium of advocates for young journalists, connecting youth media producers to a vibrant web of mentors – from university students, educators and professional journalists to non-profit agency trainers and members of advocacy and literacy organizations.]

School cuts survey reveals overcrowded classes, not enough books and worse

By Adolfo | Youth Media Los Angeles Collaborative |

Op-Ed: Sending kids off to college unprepared

By Amanda Riddle, Mike Fricano and Linda Bowen |  Youth Media Los Angeles Collaborative |

Mar 18th, 2012  ::  

Last fall the Youth Media Los Angeles Collaborative, a consortium of advocates who engage and nurture young journalists, surveyed more than 1,800 high school and middle school students about how recent draconian budget cuts have harmed their ability to learn. From overcrowded classes of up to 50 students to not enough books and computers to dirty bathrooms, the answers revealed how much we’re sabotaging our country’s future.

Here are the answers from the teens who responded to our survey. Entries from three respondents were randomly selected to win $100 for participating: Matthew Alvarez from L.A. Leadership Academy HS, David Baltazar from Belvedere MS and Trevor Ryan Ramirez from Redondo Union HS.

Note: Some percentages do not add up to 100 because respondents checked all the answers that applied.

Female 56%
Male 44%

Latino 79%
Asian 9%
White 9%
Black 7%
Other 8%


Do overcrowded classrooms make you feel like your teachers don’t have enough time to teach?
Yes 67%
No 33%

Have you been unable to participate in a program or class because it’s no longer offered at your school?
No 71%
Yes 29%

If yes, please list all the programs/classes that apply to you (here are some of the responses):
AP classes
ASL (American
Sign Language)
Culinary Arts
Field trips
PE class
Saturday School for SAT
Web Design

If your school had to make cuts to save money, what should they cut first? (They are listed in order starting with what respondents would cut first.)
1. School newspaper
or broadcast outlet
2. Summer school
3. Field trips
4. Security guards
5. Custodians
6. Libraries
7. Arts and music
8. Sports
9. Guidance counselors
10. Other
11. Administrators
(like principals and
assistant principals)
12. Teachers

Have you experienced any of the following in your classroom in the past two years?
Copied information from an overhead
because there wasn’t enough paper
to make copies of a lesson for everyone 57%
Not enough computers or
enough working computers 52%
Students had to share textbooks because
there weren’t enough for everyone 51%
Not all the students had a desk to sit at 37%
None of the above 19%

What have you or your family had to pay for in the last two years at your school?
None of the above 42%
Sports uniforms 34%
Supplies in art class 22%
Buses for a field trip 21%
Participation on a sports team 18%
Music program like band/choir 12%
Lab fees for science classes 8%

Has your school cut any of the following journalism programs in the past two years?
My school doesn’t have any of the above 43%
No, none of the above
has been cut in the past two years 40%
Radio 11%
Television station 9%
Newspaper club 7%
Journalism classes 7%

How many students are in your English class?
The highest number was 50 and the lowest was 14

How many students are in your math class?
The highest number was 50 and the lowest was 11

Do any of the following need repair at your school?
Restrooms 64%
Graffiti-covered walls 49%
Air conditioning/heating 48%
Classrooms/desks 47%
Cafeteria 36%
Public address/bell system 19%
No, all of the above are in good condition 15%

Have you left or thought about leaving public school because of the budget cuts?
No 78%
Yes 22%

Have budget cuts affected your ability to get the classes you need to graduate?
No 87%
Yes 13%

Are you planning to attend college?
Yes 97%
No 3%

If yes, where are you planning to apply?
(Respondents could check up to three choices.)
Four-year public university in state 64%
Community college 36%
Private college or university 35%
Four-year public university out of state 31%
Trade school 4%

How do you expect to pay for college?
Scholarships 73%
Work 60%
Family 54%
Loans 39%
Military 7%

Mar 18th, 2012 :: The first injustice kids learn to recognize is hypocrisy. And right now that’s one of the lessons we’re teaching them about education and opportunity.

From the moment kids walk through the kindergarten doors their schools are pushing them to aim for college, and with good reason. Even in the slow recovery from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, unemployment for college graduates was 4.2 percent in January 2012 compared to 8.4 percent for high school graduates, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. And by 2018 as we become a more tech- and information-based economy, nearly two-thirds of jobs will require at least some college education, according to a 2010 report by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce.

Sadly, despite our increasing emphasis on the importance of college we’re failing to provide the proper conditions for students to get to college, let alone succeed once they’re there. Early last year, the California Legislative Analyst’s Officer of Higher Education noted in an issue brief: “The CSU currently admits many students who are unprepared for college-level writing and math.” In 2009, the number stood at 58 percent of freshmen. About 26 percent in 2010 were considered unprepared for college-level writing in the UC, while “almost all community college students have remediation needs.”

Last fall the Youth Media Los Angeles Collaborative, a consortium of advocates who engage and nurture young journalists, surveyed more than 1,800 high school and middle school students about how recent draconian budget cuts have harmed their ability to learn. From overcrowded classes of up to 50 students to not enough books and computers to dirty bathrooms, the answers revealed how much we’re sabotaging our country’s future.

Two-thirds of the survey respondents said that overcrowded classrooms make them feel like their teachers don’t have enough time to teach. Overcrowding takes away more than a teacher’s time.

Fifty-seven percent of students reported copying information from an overhead projector because there wasn’t even enough paper to make photocopies. Even though we’re heading into a more digital economy, 52 percent said that there aren’t enough computers. And 51 percent say students have to share textbooks.

When we asked about conditions at their schools, only 15 percent said their school was in good condition. Nearly two-thirds said that the bathrooms needed fixing and about half said there were graffiti-covered walls, faulty air conditioning/heating and that desks and classrooms needed repairs.

“Not all classrooms have air conditioning so in the summer it gets really hot,” one respondent answered. How can students be expected to focus their best when they’re dripping with sweat? And how much will students believe we genuinely care about their futures when we don’t care enough to pay to have the graffiti-tagged walls re-painted?

Not surprisingly, one in five students said that they’ve thought about leaving public school because of problems at their schools. Thirteen percent said budget cuts have affected their ability to get the classes they need to graduate. One wrote: “If you fail any classes you’re not able to retake it because classes are full.” Another said that he had to take Spanish 2 at Pierce College because his school no longer offered it. A third wrote: “Cutting summer school made it harder to catch up on the credits I need.”

Yet despite our failure to provide what these students need, nearly all of them said that they’re planning on attending college, with the majority preferring a four-year public university.

But, qualified students will find seeking higher education much more difficult in the coming years as California’s public colleges and universities grapple with significantly diminished funding even if the Governor’s tax initiative passes in November. In fact, the state has cut higher education general funding by $2.65 billion since the 2008-09 academic year. If the tax initiative fails, both the University of California and California State University systems are bracing for “ballot trigger reductions” of $200 million for 2012-13. For the California Community Colleges system, the budget picture as proposed by Gov. Brown is flat, with a predicted decline of $147 million that may be offset by property taxes from the elimination of redevelopment agencies.

Meanwhile, as California college admission applications have risen dramatically over the last three years, tuition, at least in the short term, is expected to surge – again and again – to “backfill” the budget reductions at the expense of higher costs for providing Cal Grants to financially needy students. Those who actually get in will undoubtedly face other major obstacles, including restricted enrollment targets limiting the number of classes they can take or in meeting the requirements for obtaining financial aid.

Officials expect important programs and resources, such as services to students with learning disabilities and mental health issues, could be sacrificed as well. At CSUN, student journalists in the YMLAC project who have been probing these issues for a special report in the Daily Sundial learned that while annual budgets for these services have remained static for several years at about $725,000, growing numbers of students with these needs will be arriving on California campuses in coming years.

California students have adopted the goals we’ve told them to set for themselves, but by annually cutting money for teachers, programs and resources and raising tuition we keep placing that aspiration further out of reach.

Amanda Riddle, Mike Fricano and Linda Bowen. Riddle and Fricano are the co-managing editors of the independent teen newspaper L.A. Youth. Bowen is associate professor, California State University, Northridge Journalism Department. They are members of the Youth Media Los Angeles Collaborative.

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