Tuesday, October 11, 2011


from an internal LAUSd document

smf: This has the appearance of a stipulated consent decree. An expert on language acquisition within LAUSD – involved in this investigation from the get-go - opines: “As well thought out as this is - and it provides policies that are an improvement over the current ones - it does not mention anything about primary language instruction or support or the right of parents to choose these. … This report will need to be deeply analyzed by people who understand what they are reading.”

Los Angeles Unified School District

Detailed Summary of Agreements— English Learner & Resource Comparability Components

LAUSD/OCR Resolutions Summary

English Learner Component


The District will develop a Master Plan for English Learners, which includes goals for its program for EL students, a program implementation and accountability structure to deliver English language instruction and services to EL students in all educational settings, including special education, and EL Secondary students who have completed English language development (ELD) instruction. While the new Master Plan is being finalized, the current Master Plan and District policies will remain in effect during the school year 2011-2012. The District will begin implementing new Plan by September 2012.

This Master Plan for English Learners will include a separate component (“Academic Language Proficiency”) that addresses the language proficiency and needs of African American students, starting at the elementary level district-wide.

The District will develop, a Program Evaluation Plan (i.e., a system for evaluating and monitoring implementation of the EL program). The system will be referenced in any school accountability systems, and in teacher and administrator evaluation tools, including Central Office administrators, Local District Superintendents, and school-based administrators, pending contract negotiations with United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) and Associated Administrators of Los Angeles (AALA).

Upon approval of both the Master and Program Evaluation Plans, the District will begin providing professional development District-wide to administrators, teachers, parents, paraprofessionals, community members and other stakeholders.


The District will continue to assess all students whose Home Language Survey results indicate a home or primary language other than English and, will continue to administer annually the CELDT to all identified EL students, until they are reclassified as fluent English proficient.


Until the new Master Plan is fully implemented, the District will take steps to ensure that all EL students in elementary schools receive ELD instruction that is targeted to their level of English proficiency; and will provide supplemental/compensatory services to EL students who have not made adequate progress in learning English, and to secondary school EL students at risk for not graduating from high school.

The District will ensure that ELD instruction and intervention services address EL students’ level of English proficiency, including secondary school students who are designated as “PRP” (Preparing for Reclassification Program) and who are not enrolled in designated ESL courses, and to students at the secondary school level who are not considered PRP.


The District will make the needs of ELs a top priority and will ensure that all ELS, including special education students, have equal access to the core curriculum by providing instruction that is targeted to their level of English language proficiency. Specially, the District will:

 Require schools to provide appropriate intervention for struggling students, including special education.

 Ensure that all classrooms, including special education, receive adequate materials for providing access to core content instruction.

The District will provide coaching and professional development to content area teachers, and other appropriate District and local district staff. The training will focus on requiring teachers to differentiate instruction for multiple English proficiency levels and teachers' responsibility for making content area instruction accessible to students at a variety of English proficiency levels.

The District will ensure that EL students receive content instruction that is designed to enable them to perform at grade-level, be on track to graduate from high school, and be prepared to enroll in college.


While the Master Plan is being finalized, the District will provide OCR with an interim plan for identifying students who were reclassified during the 2009-10 school year and whose course grades and/or CST scores subsequently fell below the level required for reclassification, and for providing such students with targeted intervention services during the 2011-12 school year. The Master Plan will address the following issues:

 The process and criteria for reclassifying EL students as fully English proficient (RFEP);

 District expectations for continued progress of RFEP students toward proficient grade-level academic achievement as measured by grades and CST scores, and methods for monitoring reclassified students’ progress toward proficient achievement; and

 The instructional supports that will be available to students after they reclassify, to ensure that they meet District progress expectations, including the specific intervention and support services that will be provided to reclassified students who do not make expected progress towards grade-level academic proficiency.


The District will provide ESL materials to all special education teachers who are responsible for providing ELD to EL students.


The District will ensure that accurate, complete and consistent information about the EL program is presented effectively to parents/guardians of EL students and that informational materials about the EL program are distributed consistently to parents/guardians.


In conjunction with District’s “A to G for All” policy to provide college and career readiness for all students, the District will develop a program regarding EL student college preparedness and career readiness, to provide EL students and their parents/guardians with the information they need to enable students to prepare for and succeed in post-secondary education, including four-year institutions, including access to the most effective teachers.

Resource Comparability Component (focus on African-American students)

Gifted and Talented Program

The District will develop a district-wide comprehensive plan to address the disproportionate participation of African American and Hispanic students and ensure that GATE identification reflects the demographics of a school.

The District will identify schools at which the participation of African American students is lower than the District average for that group; implement immediate steps to increase identification of African American students eligible for GATE at these schools through professional development, informational meetings for parents/guardians, and other means.

Technology Resources

The District will develop a District Technology Plan with guidelines for an appropriate student/computer ratio in each school, categorical funds will be set aside for school lab and classroom instructional technology, accurate equipment resources inventory with annual reports required.

Library Resources

The District will develop a plan to increase library collections and lower the book-to-student ratio and other library resources in all schools to meet District guidelines, to include: an electronic database of library resources that can be used to assess the contents and condition of the collection, and use of Bond Oversight funds and other funds where appropriate to increase library collections.

Community School Pilot Project

The District will develop and implement a pilot project establishing a community school in an area that serves Annalee and Leapwood Elementary Schools. The purpose of the pilot project will be (a) to increase access to educational and non-educational resources and services, including health and social services, and engage the community in improving student achievement, and (b) to develop a successful, sustainable and replicable model for addressing the academic achievement gap that supports the improvement of African American students’ academic and intellectual development.


In conjunction with LAUSD’s “A to G for All” policy to provide college and career readiness for all students, the District will develop a program for African American students and parents regarding college preparedness and career readiness, to provide them with the support and information they need to enable students to prepare for and succeed in post-secondary education, including four-year institutions, including access to the most effective teachers.


The District will address the language proficiency and needs of African American students in the English Learners Master Plan. The Academic Language Proficiency component of the Master Plan will describe a comprehensive plan of English language services and instruction that addresses the English language proficiency and needs of African American students starting at the elementary level district-wide.


The District will develop a strategic comprehensive plan that addresses the achievement gap for African American students; the plan will include actions to provide professional development, monitoring of instruction and accountability for learning and support.

The District will develop a district-wide plan to ensure a minimum of 96% attendance for both students and staff and to ensure that principals and teachers identify, request, and receive substitutes that they believe will provide the highest level of consistency for instructing students during teacher absences.


The District will analyze disciplinary policies, practices and data, disaggregated by race and sex. Based on its analysis, the District will develop and implement a comprehensive plan and, as appropriate, modify its policies and practices to eliminate the disproportionality in the discipline imposed on African American students, and will also implement, as appropriate, behavioral intervention programs, supports and other methods to minimize subjectivity in the imposition of disciplinary sanctions.


The District will submit all plans and other documents to OCR for approval. Revisions to this agreement must be mutually agreed upon by the District and OCR. The District understands that, during the monitoring of this agreement, OCR may visit the District, interview staff and students, and request such additional reports or data as are necessary for OCR to determine whether the District has fulfilled the terms of this Agreement.

The District understands that OCR will not close the monitoring of this agreement until such time as OCR determines that the District has fulfilled the terms of this agreement and is in compliance with Title VI and the regulation implementing Title VI, at 34 C.F.R. part 100, that were at issue in this case.

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