Sunday, September 18, 2011


Jerry Gorin | KPCC  |

Sept. 15, 2011 |The Los Angeles Unified School District is preparing to dismiss half of its library aides before the end of the semester.

Superintendent John Deasy told KPCC's Madeleine Brand Thursday that the district has been hit hard by cuts in state funding.

<<Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent John Deasy and Antonio Villaraigosa/Flickr (cc by-nc-nd)

He said he weighed how students learn when making difficult decisions, “students learn to read through their classroom teacher, not through the library."

"It doesn’t mean the libraries don’t support and enhance that. But the fundamental acquisition of literacy skills occurs with their classroom teacher, and that’s who we tried to protect in this process," he said.

Deasy said he’s working with some Hollywood philanthropists to raise at least $200 million to help offset the budget cuts.


●●smf: Most of the layoffs are scheduled for next Friday; let’s hope those Hollywood philanthropists come through quickly!

1 comment:

  1. I am one of the library aides who will no longer have a job in the library come September 23. I am beyond sad that Deasy does not see the essential value in having our libraries staffed by professional, trained library personnel. It's not just about shelving, and checking in and out, and keeping the library in order. Yes, this is part of our job. But to me, and so many other library aides, the magic is in creating an excitement regarding books for our children. I know I am not the only one of my peers that has an absolute passion for finding just the right book for each student. This is a completely different offering compared to what our teachers provide in terms of reading. When I first got my job, I read how the staff wanted the library to be the soul of the school. I took this to heart--creating reading marathons, bringing in guest authors/illustrators, obtaining grants for new books, displaying attractive book tables as well as book-of-the-month posters and keeping up to date with current books. The list could go on, and I know I've heard of exciting programs developed by other library aides, too. It's a sad day when this "heart" has to be removed from our LAUSD schools because of "lack of funds". Just teaching children to read in the classroom is not going to create life-long readers. Please support us in any way you can by contacting Deasy as well as the Board. Thank you
