Saturday, April 23, 2011

LIBRARIES REALLY NOT THE ISSUE. It is, as always: Education.

by Celes King IV, Vice Chair, CORE-CA |

April 24th, 2011

At the end of last month Ms. Judy Elliott, [the Chief Academic Officer for the Los Angeles Unified School District] set the students of LAUSD on a continued course of mediocrity and low achievement. Announced was the removal of Librarians and aides, this is ostensibly to save Teachers. I say it was simply another decision that will directly our affect our ability to become college ready.

Pink Slips to thousands of unnecessary employees that fill the LAUSD tower and local district offices, remove the paper pushers that create much of the endless maze of confusion that covers up accountability and transparency.

To think this is the same LAUSD that praised itself on innovation and improvement at the State of Los Angeles Meeting @ Jefferson HS with the Mayor. Folks: this is part of a war being waged by Capitol and Labor: Students and Parents Be Damned!

Think about this: LAUSD has a budget larger than the city of Los Angeles, Los Angeles City has a population of say 4 Million, LAUSD a Student population of less than 700,000.

It is time for the Community and Teachers to come together not to demand accountability and transparency ...hell we have been doing that for years to no avail. Our pleas fall on deaf ears, our schools have become political footballs subject to politician’s songs of change or whatever the new fashion design education trots out.

Parents, Teachers and Students, organize now . Your children's future depends on it.


Education is the Foundation of Freedom

Celes King IV


Executive Director, CORE California Schools

1 comment:

  1. This is a powerful statement. The Board and the superintendent are not transparent -- they do not really tell us the truth ever. If there were a way to organize around this call, that would be great.
    It would take a huge effort to unite community and teacher/employees around demanding transparency in a real way -- might mean the unions would have to be transparent as well.
