Monday, April 07, 2008


As you will see below, the Mayor's Partnership is advertising for jobs to (Eli) Broad Academy Fellows and Alumni, making no pretense that the partnership is anything other than an entity of LA city government in direct contravention - if not contempt - of the legal decisions on AB 1381 (Mendoza v. State of California, 07 S.O.S. 1900), the L.A. City Charter and the California State Constitution Article IX, Section 6, Paragraph 3 : "No school or college or any other part of the Public School System shall be, directly or indirectly, transferred from the Public School System or placed under the jurisdiction of any authority other than one included within the Public School System."  Also Article IX, Section 8, Paragraph 1: "No public money shall ever be appropriated for the support of any sectarian or denominational school, or any school not under the exclusive control of the officers of the public schools."

1. The employer is listed as being Mayor's District, LA

2. The designated contact person is an LA City Employee with a City Hall Phone Number and an LA City E-mail address.

Sent: 4/7/2008 4:47:32 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time
Subj: Open Positions April 7

New this week:
Associate Superintendent, Des Moines (Broad A District)
Superintendent, Cincinnati, OH
Superintendent, Caddo Parish, LA
Operational positions, Mayor's district, LA (Non-qualifying positions)
--On a weekly basis, we send out the attached sheet of known Broad-eligible
position openings.  Please let us know if there are additional opportunities
you may be aware of, either within your current district or others.
--If you are interested in applying for a specific position, we need to know
that. We can't be of help to you if we don't know what it is that you are
attempting to do.  Whether you use us as a reference or not, we will often
get calls from search consultants if you have identified yourself as a Broad
Fellow. We can do a much better job for you if those aren't cold calls. We
will keep our conversations absolutely confidential at your request.
--Once we know that you have an interest, we will then send you a "starter
kit" of district research on the specific district, plus a list of other
questions you will want to investigate before applying.
--We will advocate for your candidacy with the search firm (or other search
principals), as mutually agreed upon with you.
--We can provide advice and feedback to you throughout the search and
interview process, including conducting a mock interview with you should it
be desired.
--If you are the successful candidate, we can provide advice and feedback on
your contract negotiation and give you contact information for attorneys in
the region who are familiar with superintendent/district contract issues. If
you are not the successful candidate, we can solicit feedback regarding your
candidacy and debrief with you so that future searches will have a positive

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