Tuesday, March 05, 2013


A Note from Steve Zimmer


In less than 12 hours the polls will close on this historic school board race.

This race is so close that we know every single vote will count. So I am asking you to send one last email blast, post one last facebook message, make one last phone call, talk to one more voter.

Our message is very simple. Don't believe the lies of March.

Never in the history of our school board elections have there been such blatant lies and distortions leveled against a successful incumbent. What's worse is that the lies are being spread by the same corporate interests that sought to take away the rights of working families in Wisconsin and Michigan. They want to privatize our schools and outsource our labor force. Shamelessly, this attempt to buy our school board is being done under the guise of school reform and civil rights. Sadder still, they refuse to engage me on the substantive issues facing our public schools. Instead they resort to lies and distortions.

They blame me for the awful layoffs when my proposals actually saved 9,000 jobs. They lie.

They blame me for eliminating arts and music programs when I actually saved arts education, adult education and early childhood education. They lie.

They blame me for the funds spent on the RFK schools even though EVERY vote on RFK took place years before I was on the Board. They lie.

They say I am going to fire John Deasy even though I have been and will continue to be the swing vote to maintain the Deasy Superintendency. They lie.

smf2Steve: That’s one campaign promise I won’t hold you to!

Don't believe these lies of March.

I have built an impressive record of collaborative reform that has brought transformational change to our schools without strikes or job actions that disrupt our students' education.

Our campaign has brought together parents, teachers, students, and community leaders from across Los Angeles to support our inclusive vision that will ensure every student will have an outstanding public education in LAUSD. We have earned the endorsements of Civil Rights leaders, Community Leaders, Parent Leaders and the most important elected officials in our community. Just yesterday afternoon Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-LA), the Chair of the House Democratic Caucus joined Karen Bass, Maxine Waters, Kevin DeLeon, Paul Koertz and a cadre of elected officials who embrace and support our vision. Civil Rights Icon Delores Huerta, and renowned authors Jonathan Kozol and Diane Ravitch have joined our students and their families in resisting this takeover of the board and this assault on our democracy.

Don't let these lies stand. Don't let these lies decide the future of our students and their schools.

The polls are open today from at 7a.m. and they close at 8 p.m. Please stand with truth and stand for our kids. Come volunteer at our Campaign Office located at 9040 W. Sunset Blvd, Suite 206, West Hollywood.

I won't forget all that you've done.



Z C & ABM Note: smf’s favorite “Anyone but…” is Isabel Vazquez!

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