Friday, June 10, 2011

A LETTER TO BOARD PRESIDENT GARCIA FROM A CONCERNED PARENT AT HIGH SCHOOL #9 - “I see this as a simple issue: our community should have a say …not the school board”

by email to 4LAKids  from an concerned parent

Thu, Jun 9, 2011 9:22 pm

Hello Ms.Garcia,

I am a parent with a child that attends number 9.

I understand that in the near future you and the board will be voting on naming no.9 - Ramon Cortines H.S.. I strongly feel the community at no.9 should vote on this issue because this our school.

I also ask that you begin to handle school issues with some transparency; all these back door decisions help to undermine all the wonderful work being done by the students and teachers. This school deserves a lot of credit for performing a such a high level, despite all the distractions. While this school is still in it's infancy ; it has developed a very strong community and culture.

Ms.Garcia your decisions/actions are proving Mr.Broad to be correct - that this district is incapable of running a top-notch art school and it would  best be ran as a charter. Initially I disagreed with Mr.Broad, but your decision to replace Ms.Blake and now the decision to re-name the school with no input from the no.9 community is troubling to say the least.

Ms.Garcia,  you are paid and work for parents like myself ; not only do my children attend LAUSD schools, but I am a homeowner and I pay property taxes - I deserve to have my voice and opinions respected by you. I trust you will reconsider putting the re-naming on the agenda for vote next week , but rather meet with our community at no.9 and allow us to decide the naming of OUR SCHOOL.

Thanks in advance for your consideration in this matter,

Concerned Parent

1 comment:

  1. Why does a parent whose child is currently attending deserve deserve a ore weighted vote than the parent whose child will one day attend or has already attended. What about the voice of the community who don't have children but still interact with the school community, why is there voice mitigated to parents of current students.

    The board member is the only person democratically and equally elected to represent the community.

    Thankfully LAUSD will soon put parent's in their place with a prescriptive solution for parent engagement at a level LAUSD is comfortable with. Hopefully parents will soon understand their place subordinate to the LAUSD board and stop with this whining and deal with it.

    LAUSD will be there soon.
