| LAUSD School Board members Julie Korenstein and Jon Lauritzen recognizing Dr. Robert Taylor, DDS for 57 years of service to the schoolchildren of Los Angeles.
| School Nurses send their warmest thanks to Dr. Robert Taylor , D.D.S., PTA Dental Director for 10th District and 31st District California PTSA. Karen Maiorca, District Nursing Director, congratulates Dr. Taylor for 57 years of Service to the Students attending LAUSD. Dr. Taylor was recently honored in the LAUSD Boardroom and at the Central PTA Health Center for his life-time of dedicated work providing low-cost Dental care to students in need. His work through the years has allowed many students to receive excellent dental treatment and therefore, remain in school, with daily attendance to classes. |
| Dee Apodaca, LD2 Nursing Coordinator congratulating PTA State President, Carla Nino, who was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation and a beautiful cherry wooden plaque from LAUSD District Nursing Services. The School Nurses from Local District 2honored Ms. Nino at their June Staff Development meeting and applauded her for her role in producing and publishing the School Nurse Proclamation report. |